Karel Koplimets

Karel Koplimets on õppinud Eesti Kunstiakadeemias fotograafia erialal (BA, 2009; MA, 2013). Aastatel 2020 – 2021 täiendas ta end Belgias HISKis (Hoger Instituut voor Schone Kunsten). Koplimets on osalenud mitmetel grupinäitustel Eestis ja välismaal, mõned viimased neist on Belonging (Hunt Museum, Iirimaa, 2022), Kunst mugavustsoonis? Nullindad Eesti kunstis (Kumu Kumu Kunstimuuseum, Eesti, 2021) ja Sonsbeek´s Conjunctions programme (Park Sonsbeek, Holland, 2021). Tema teoseid on mitmetes muuseumikogudes, sealhulgas Kiasma (Soome), Musée de l'Elysée (Šveits)  ja Kumu Kunstimuuseum (Eesti). Karel Koplimets on üks riikliku kunstnikupalga saajaid aastatel 2020–2022.

Karel Koplimets studied photography in the Estonian Academy of Art (BA, 2009; MA, 2013). In 2007 and 2008 he studied in Prague at FAMU (with Viktor Kolař). He has participated in a group exhibition at the Riga International Biennial of Contemporary Art (2018) and has been nominated for the Köler Prize (2013). His works belong to the collections of Kumu Art Museum, Tartu Art Museum, Kiasma, Contemporary Art Museum, Estonia, and Musée de l’Elysée (Switzerland). In 2019 he was awarded the Eerik Haamer Art Prize. Karel Koplimets is one of the laureates for the artist’s salary 2020–2022.

The exhibition One is the Loneliest Number ((AV 17) gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2022) focused on loneliness and the fears associated with it. Humans have evolved into social beings that live in larger groups and rely on cooperation in order to survive. Since the late 19th century, the number of people living and feeling alone has been rising. This is mostly due to the aftereffects of capitalism and the industrial revolution, both of which led to urbanisation and changes in the traditional family. Loneliness has been described as a modern disease or even an epidemic. The exhibition focuses on the paradox of being alone in a crowd and sees loneliness not only as an emotional state but also as a threat of being forgotten.
